Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Just returned from a whirl wind 4 days at NCTE in Chicago! Why is it that I look forward to "getting away" only to be more exhausted when I return home?

NCTE was GREAT as usual. Some many good presentations to go to and so little time!
In many cases, I had a first, second, and third choice for each time slot...

One of the high points:

Engaging American Novels: Lessons from the Classroom
  • Sheridan Blau spoke briefly first that constructing meaning takes time. We need to allow students the time to think for themselves - not tell them what they should think about the text because that is a false meaning
  • Carol Jago spoke about slowing down also. She also commented on how we need to cherish student questions
  • Bob Probst continued by discussing the importance of respecting student responses which will lead to increased student responsibility
  • These three reminded me that the students need to be engaged in their learning - not just told the answers (even though that may be what they want...or think they want) After all, Half of the fun is seeing what they find...
  • Literature doesn't have just one meaning or theme - getting students to discuss their views engages us all in learning!
  • Finally, we met in groups to discuss teaching ideas for various novels. I only wish I could have had a birds eye view of each discussion!
I found this presentation extremely beneficial in light of the American Studies course I am now developing with the social studies teacher! I'll keep you informed.

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